
“The Alphabet of Life” is an experimental project giving an example of the cyclical nature of our life. The work includes specially designed letters. The characters of the English alphabet were made by capturing silhouettes of human body. Silhouettes in different shapes of letters, in our opinion, perfectly combine and convey the main project concept. The challenging part of the photoshoot was to transform a body into such letters as “O” or “Q”, or even “H”, “M”, “N” that we couldn’t make without any props.

The concept

Our life depends on different factors. One of them is the light. We grow up and can see the world because of the light. It gives us a life. However, the light produces the shadow. Due to the shadow we understand the shape but, at the same time, the shadow creates the darkness… So, what does the darkness do with a life?

The ALPHABET by NUMZ Graphics
The ALPHABET by NUMZ Graphics
The ALPHABET by NUMZ Graphics
The ALPHABET by NUMZ Graphics
The ALPHABET by NUMZ Graphics